承德市万吉仪器仪表制造有限公司,位于世界闻名的承德避暑山庄——中国历史名城和著名的旅游胜地。这里人杰地灵,是全国非金属材料试验机的生产基地。我公司是非金属材料检测设备专业制造商,拥有强大的产品开发、生产、销售、服务能力的高新技术企业。冀柏宏18831479808 0314-2266829
我公司主要产品有:熔融指数仪、塑料全套检测设备、管材全套检测设备、安全帽全套检测设备、安全带全套检测设备、安全网全套检测设备、型材全套检测设备、安全帽冲击试验机、安全帽侧向刚性试验机、安全帽下颏带强度试验机、简支梁冲击试验机、悬臂梁冲击试验机、水平垂直燃烧测定仪、管材静液压试验机、管材负压试验机、电工套管及配件阻燃性能试验机、高温烧结炉、跌落试验机、电子拉力机、电子万能试验机、氧化诱导时间试验机、熔体流动速率测定仪、氧指数测定仪、简支梁悬臂梁组合冲击试验机、管材负压试验机、表观密度测试仪、管材环刚度试验机、落锤冲击试验机、焊角强度测定仪、摆锤冲击试验机、热变形维卡软化点温度测定仪、冲击力实验机、承德试验机、头盔全套检测设备、塑料管材耐压爆破试验机、脚手架扣件试验机、热机分析仪、自动张力仪、接触角测定仪、包装材料穿刺时间测定仪、汽车油管漏压测定仪 、水密性试验机、气密性试验机、阀门冲击试验机、塑料检测设备、塑料试验机、非金属材料试验机、塑料分析仪器设备,弹簧试验机等
我公司所有产品均符合GB和ISO标准,2001年企业顺利通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。产品广泛用于国防航空航天、大专院校、科研院所、工矿企业、质量监督检验等多种领域。我公司产品面向全国,遍及各地,质优价廉,享有盛誉。 欢迎各界商家、朋友光顾,诚信合作,我们将以优质产品、优良的售后服务、与您携手并进,共创企业的美好未来。
.Chengde city tsvangirai instrument manufacturing co., LTD., located in the historic city of China, the world famous chengde summer resort and a famous tourist resort.Here is beautiful, and the national non-metallic materials testing machine, instrument and meter of professional production base.Our company is a professional manufacturer of non-metallic materials testing equipment testing machine, instruments and meters, has a strong product development, production, sales and service ability of high and new technology enterprise.18831479808 0314-2266829 JiBaiHong
My company's main products are: melt index, a full range of testing equipment, plastic pipe full set of testing equipment, a full set of testing equipment, and a helmet safety belt net a full range of testing equipment, a full range of testing equipment, molding a full range of testing equipment, helmets, a full range of testing equipment, beam impact testing machine, cantilever beam impact testing machine, horizontal vertical combustion apparatus, pipe hydrostatic testing machine, tubing pressure testing machine, electrical casing and accessories, high temperature sintering furnace flame retardant performance testing machine, drop test machine, electronic tensile machine, electronic universal testing machine, the oxidation induction time tester, melt flow rate meter, combination of simply supported beam with oxygen index tester, cantilever beam impact testing machine, tubing pressure testing machine, apparent density tester, pipe ring stiffness testing machine, drop weight impact test enginery, Angle of welding strength tester, pendulum impact testing machine, thermal deformation vicat softening point temperature tester, impact tester, chengde testing machine, plastic tubing pressure blasting machine, engine analyzer, automatic tensiometer, scaffolding fasteners testing machine, impact
- 地址:河北省 承德市 双桥区-河北省承德开发东区
- 邮编:67000